
Fab Lust

Fab.com is probably one of my bigger eye candy websites. They have way too many things I <3. Lately they've managed to come up with a giant amount of stuff that I'm lusting after, which is hard because I do not have too much cash to spend on too many things, not to mention that I am trying to lose weight, so I can't really invest in much clothing at the moment, and I'm moving, so I can't really accumulate too much stuff without feeling super terrible. Nonetheless, the website is great, and even if you are like me, feel free to drool. I've also included a referral link at the bottom that gets you a 25 dollar discount off of your first purchase at the site, and gives me 25 dollars in credit if you do make a purchase (no extra cost to you ofcourse). Without further ado, here is some of the jewelry I am lusting after at the moment:

My Geeky Jewelry <3's

Tiny Camera Necklace by VERAMEAT
Its a tiny vintage camera! How could anyone not love this forever and ever? I must have it. Someday.

Full Moon necklace by Nervous System
I love Nervous System jewelry in general because its uber cool. They do 3d printed jewelry that replicates the shapes and textures of natural phenomena, which tickles all of my science bones. Lovelovelove.

2-layer Twist Ring by Nervous System
3d printed, bright pink (have I mentioned that pink is my favorite? I know, how hopelessly girly, whatever, I am a computer scientist as well, so I think I do a good job with killing gender stereotypes normally), and based on the physical texture and structure of coral?? Too much cool. Too much. 

Cellular Earrings by Nervous System

For those of you who don't like bright neon pink accessories for some reason, but still have a healthy appreciation for organic shapes and textures in your jewelry, science, and 3d printing. 

Deco Earrings in Dark Blue by Summerized
These are not diamonds. 

Discounts for you:

Ok, so if you click and sign up here, you can get 25 dollars off your first purchase of 75 dollars or more (ie, the optimal thing to do is to get something that is roughly 75 bucks for 50 bucks), and I get 25 dollars of credit too! Wins all around. One more time for clarity:

What do you guys think of these? I love fun jewelry. It is an unfortunate addiction. What are your current lusts? Any other geeky science jewelry fans? 

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