Goals for 2014-2015, very small and large.

  1. Lose 70 pounds, achieving my goal weight of 117, become a size 2-4, or achieve happiness with a healthy BMI, whichever I end up liking the most. 
  2. Collect my degree
  3. Apply for a new degree
  4. Start or choose to defer a new degree
  5. Get and keep a job I like
  6. Build a wardrobe I like
  7. Learn about personal finance
  8. Go on a road trip
  9. Go to burning man
  10. Go to Coachella
  11. Go on an international trip
  12. Develop my photography skills
  13. Figure out a sustainable fitness routine that I like
  14. Learn how to do a cartwheel
  15. Figure out how to care for my hair and skin
  16. Publish
  17. Set some boundaries
  18. Conquer my fear of moving
  19. Live all by myself in my own place
  20. Make and start maintaining a kickass professional blog + website. 
  21. Wear a bikini
  22. Figure out how to spend a whole day in heels
  23. Run an 8 minute mile. 
  24. Run a half marathon. 
  25. Drink 10 cups of water a day for 30 days straight
  26. Eat less than 20g of net sugars for 60 days straight
  27. Take vitamins for 30 days straight
  28. Permanently take care of skin/body hair things. 
  29. Become more reliable
  30. Say no more often
  31. Learn how to stop overcomitting
  32. Knit 12 things on my ravelry queue. 
  33. Learn how to manage my budget
  34. Go running every single day for 30 days straight. 
  35. Log my food for 60 days straight
  36. Wear red lipstick on a normal day and carry it off. 
  37. Learn Salsa and Swing. 
  38. Purge or sell my excess belongings that I do not need, and develop a habit of being more selective with my purchases. 
  39. Do Yoga every week for 12 weeks in a row. 
  40. Meditate everyday for 30 days straight. 

1 comment:

  1. Develop my photography skills........no pun intended, I'm sure : P
